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2019 臺灣國際音樂節
​特邀團隊  台北薩克斯風重奏團

本團成立於一九九三年,由顏慶賢、顏國政先生,共同創建,為台灣第一個古典薩氏管重奏團體,以先行者的姿態引領台灣薩氏管演奏的潮流至今已超過二十年。近年來,本團培養的留法演奏家,在台灣或國際間音樂比賽中屢獲得大獎的殊榮,返台後共同組建而成本團,同時邀請合作演出的知名薩氏管演奏家有:Daniel Gremelle、原博巳、Jerome Laran、Nikita Zimin、井上麻子等,並獲得民視獨家轉播,獲得廣大愛樂者的好評與迴響,創下台灣薩氏管音樂會之先河。面對未來,本團自我期許能夠達成三個願景:多元化、國際化、職業化,以身為台灣最專業的薩氏管演出團體,代表台灣向世界發聲。


The Taipei Saxophone Ensemble (TSE) was jointly established in 1993 by Yen Ching Shyan and Yen Kuo-cheng. It is Taiwan's first classical saxophone ensemble, and has spent more than twenty years introducing and cultivating Taiwan's thriving saxophone ensemble trend. In recent years, some TSE’s members who studied in France won numerous major awards at music competitions in Taiwan and abroad. After returning to Taiwan, these saxophonists jointly formed the TSE, while also inviting such well-known saxophonists as Daniel Gremelle, Hiroshi Hara,Jerome Laran, Nikita Zimin, and Inoue Asako to cooperate. The TSE has been the subject of FTV's exclusive broadcasts, and has obtained rave reviews from music lovers, while making its mark in history as a pioneer of saxophone music in Taiwan. Looking ahead to the future, the TSE will strive to achieve its three missions: diversification, globalization, and professionalization. As Taiwan's most professional ensemble, the TSE will present Taiwan's sound to the world.

Copyright © Taiwan Band Clinic All Rights Reserved.


電話:886-2-8797-6199  傳真:886-2-8797-6892  

​地址: 台灣台北市萬華區長沙街二段96號7樓

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